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Writing Prompts/Thoughts: 

In Honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech, what quotes from the speech still resonate with you and haw do they apply in 2022?


"What does family mean to you?"



“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”
































Lisa Sconiers- "It would please our deceased genealogist, Charlie R. Sconiers, Jr. and defy the myth of dysfunctional families, if we would come together in Sconiersville, Alabama on July 26, 27, and 28.


Over the past 40 years (celebrated in biennial sessions) members of the Sconiers Clan, Inc. have sacrificed and worked hard to have a building erected to house the richness of our family heritage together. The Bellwood/Sconiersville communities is where it all culminates after Fort Gaines, GA.


Research your roots, they will lead you back to Bellwood and Sconiersville. You are unique in that you have a community named after your ancestors' sir name given to them. We used it and made it a proud legacy. You have a building named in honor of our original genealogist who sacrificed time and money to find out our story. We understand that as we grow our branches will spread.


They will take us into many directions but the roots must remain strong. we are in the season where our branches have become limbs and our limbs have twiggs that are bearing leaves. Our leaves must be nourished properly to hang onto the tree. Sconiersville is the nourishment for the root. You are the branches, and your children are twigs and leaves that will become trees in the future.

Keep the vision, renew it daily!!!!!

Stand strong together!! Love you all......see you in Sconiersville, Alabama!!

We've got a story to tell!!"

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